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Hobby boiler injectors special.
Injectors Horizontal Number 2, Maximum Working Pressure is 100 Psig
11oz per minute 5/32” Model Pipe or Tube
Injectors Horizontal Number 3, Maximum Working Pressure is 110 Psig
3/4 pt per minute 3/16” Model Pipe or Tube
Injectors Horizontal Number 4, Maximum Working Pressure is 110 Psig
1 1/4 pt per minute 3/16” Model Pipe or Tube
Injectors Horizontal Number 5, Maximum Working Pressure is 130 Psig
2 2/3 pt per minute ¼” Model Pipe or Tube
Injectors Horizontal Number 6, Maximum Working Pressure is 130 Psig
- 0 pt per minute ¼” Model Pipe or Tube
Injectors Vertical Number 6, Maximum Working Pressure is 130 Psig
4.0 pt per minute
Our Standard Line of Hobby Boiler Injectors No. 2 through No. 6 are $99.00 each while this special and inventory lasts. Contact us today!
Prices are adjusted in PayPal or contact us for other payment options if needed. Thank you for your business.