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Hobby boiler injectors special.
The Number 8 Injector delivers 8 pints per minute with 3/8" Model Pipe or Tubing. These run up to 130 psig operating range on cool water, non-lifting.
The Number 8 Horizontal or Vertical Injector is: $189.00 each plus S & H and sales tax where applicable. Vertical Injector dimensions are 3.40” Tall Inlet to overflow and 2.140” Wide. Horizontal Injector dimensions are 2.250” Top of Cap to overflow and 3.450” Long.
The Number 16 Injector delivers 16 pints per minute with 3/8" Model Pipe or Tubing. These run up to 130 psig operating range on cool water, non-lifting.
The Number 16 Horizontal or Vertical Injector is: $199.00 each plus S & H and sales tax where applicable. Vertical Injector dimensions are 4.10” Tall Inlet to overflow and 2.390” Wide. Horizontal Injector dimensions are 2.570” Top of Cap to overflow and 3.930” Long.
We use these on our 2”, 3” and 5” Scale 9”, 12” and 15” Gauge Steam Locomotives. These are great for 12” gauge steamers as well like the Ottawa and smaller Tractor Boilers as well as small Packaged Boilers.
Our Standard Line of Hobby Boiler Injectors No. 8 are $189 and the No. 16 are $199.00 each while this special and inventory lasts. Contact us today!
Prices are adjusted in PayPal or contact us for other payment options if needed. Thank you for your business.